Jackpot Predictions | Expert Jackpot Betting Tips in South Africa

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If you want to catch up on all things related to betting predictions, give this article a read where we’ll also be discussing jackpots, or more specifically sports jackpot predictions and how they work.

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How Does the Jackpot Work?

Jackpots at betting sites are similar to bonuses, with the exception that there aren’t any wagering requirements before you can withdraw your jackpot prize money.

These are pools of money put up as awards for punters who can accurately guess the correct outcome of a certain number of games. The range of games is usually 13 to 15 but might be different depending on the sportsbook.

We’ll break it down a bit more for you. When a sportsbook is running a promotion for a jackpot, the participants will have to get coupons for it. The coupons will state the games that the punter has to guess correctly and getting them all right, results in them winning the jackpot.

Usually, if there are multiple winners, the jackpot prize money is divided between them. And the sportsbook also decides the minimum and maximum win for each jackpot.

A lot of sportsbooks even give away prizes to punters who guess just one game right. All of it is unique to the sportsbook, and you can compare them yourself to see which one suits you best.

There are also types of jackpots that a sportsbook can offer. And we’ll be discussing some of those below.

Jackpot Predictions Tips South Africa

Mega Jackpots

The basic mechanism for all jackpots is more or less the same. You need to correctly guess the predetermined number of games to win it. To make it interesting, a lot of sportsbooks will periodically have mega jackpot predictions.

There aren’t any hard and fast rules about how a mega jackpot is presented. It’s essentially a huge pool of money from a single game or multiple games in an event. There could be smaller pots within the mega jackpot.

Since the jackpot prize money is a huge sum, it’s usually given in installments rather than all at once. And winning mega jackpot predictions isn’t all too common either.

Weekly Jackpots

Weekly jackpots, just like their name are weekly promotions. These are much smaller amounts than the mega jackpots. Usually, weekly jackpots are arranged for the most anticipated sporting events of the week.

Jackpot predictions can be made throughout the week and at the end of the week, draws are done and winners are announced. Weekly jackpots can be pretty popular as well.

If no one wins the jackpot in a certain week, a lot of sportsbooks will roll it over to the next week and give a much bigger prize pool.

bet.co.za jackpot

Midweek Jackpots

Midweek jackpot predictions are offered in the middle of the week. Sportsbooks will usually announce ahead of time when the draw for the jackpot will be. And the number of games you have to guess correctly for midweek jackpots is much less than the other kinds.

Daily Jackpots

Daily jackpots are given out every single day. There could be multiple pots throughout different events and bonuses within the jackpots for punters to have a chance at winning even bigger.

The concept of daily jackpots comes from progressive jackpots. And there are a lot more winners in daily jackpots compared to the other categories of jackpots.

daily jackpot

How to Bet on Jackpot Predictions?

Before you decide to bet on jackpots, it’s important to understand a few concepts. Jackpots, just like any other sports betting events, have odds. So, you’ll need to pick the jackpot with the best odds for a good result.

You should also read through the rules for your jackpot predictions. Those have lots of loopholes and hints as to how you can pick a better jackpot to participate in.

We don’t have any instructions on how you can bet on a jackpot. It will depend on the sportsbook and what its rules are.

However, we do have some jackpot tips that you can incorporate into your strategies. These don’t guarantee a win, rather they are just jackpot tips recommended by experts online.

Know About the Sport

Whichever sport you’ve decided to bet on the jackpot predictions for, it’s very important to know about the rules of the sport. Since you’ll have to guess at least 13 games correctly at the very least, at most sportsbooks, going into it blind is just a good way to lose a lot of money.

You might not just need in-depth knowledge on one team, you need to know about the sport as a whole.

Study the Teams

Once you’ve picked the jackpot you want to bet on, take a look at the teams included for the games on your coupon. Study the stats of those teams and what their weaknesses are. This will give you an advantage in making the correct predictions.

Cherry Pick Odds

We’ve already said this; but just to emphasize again, select the odds that are most advantageous to you. Sometimes, you’ll have to even ignore odds when making your jackpot predictions. You’ll have to combine your own insight with team stats to make the correct guesses.

Trust Your Instincts

At the end of the day, the sportsbook is a business entity and will give you odds that benefit itself more than you. So, sometimes you need to ignore everything else and just focus on your own knowledge.

Jackpot Bonus

There are plenty of online sportsbooks that provide jackpot bonuses on daily. We went through a few of them for this review as well. While it’s hard to pick the best considering all the factors, we really enjoyed the Betway jackpot bonus.


Betway is a sportsbook that has a jackpot prize combined with consolation. Jackpot predictions are arranged periodically by the operator and if multiple people are able to guess correctly, the winnings are shared among them.

There have been quite a few people who have won jackpots at Betway and the winners are usually announced on the website and the operator’s social media.

betway daily jackpot
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